Cashew's Story

My dog, Cash, is a two-year-old bulldog and like many bulldogs, he suffers from severe allergies. Judee, from Prep4Pets, suggested we try giving Cash Prep4Pets daily along with potato juice. Cash scratches with his mouth so the hope was that by neutralizing the oral cavity in combination with something natural to make the skin feel better, it would help ease Cash’s scratching. The results have been great! Cash has definitely been itching less.
Diego's Story

My dog Diego is a difficult one! He is a very playful and stubborn miniature pinscher with his own agenda! I try to brush his teeth weekly and have the hardest time. He thinks the toothbrush is a toy, just like everything else. Using the Prep4pets made our life so much better! Its easy to use, he takes it well and the aftermath is the best reward, fresh breath! We love this product so much!
The Herrera Family

Dental care is super important to us and with 3 dogs you can imagine what an ordeal it is to keep up on their hygiene. We are super excited to use this product along with our dental routine. The pups absolutely LOVE the taste! We love the all natural ingredients and it smells GREAT!
Luna's Story

I normally brush Luna’s teeth weekly with a pet-made toothbrush and gel toothpaste, and she really dislikes it. She hates the taste of the gel and hates how the bristles of the toothbrush feel. In fact, as soon as she sees the toothbrush or sees me preparing it, she runs away and runs away and hides under the bed. When I eventually get a hold of her to brush her teeth, she always turns her head away from the toothbrush, and the experience just becomes very uncomfortable for her. Therefore, I decided to try Prep4Pets™. To see if there would be a difference in how Luna reacted to having her teeth brushed. I introduced the Prep4Pet™ to Luna and she really enjoyed the taste of it! Since she liked it, it was very easy to get a hold of her to brush her teeth. To use the Prep4Pets™, I had to melt it, after washing my hands of course, and then brushed whatever was on my finger onto her teeth, and she didn’t try and bite me at all. I would definitely recommend this product because now Luna actually enjoys having her teeth brushed!
Charlie's Story

I truly believe in your product, Prep4Pets, because it naturally improves the lives of pets. It has helped my Charlie to have much better breath!
Solstice's Story

Our dog Solstice absolutely loves the pumpkin flavored Prep4Pets cream, she gets so excited when the spoon comes out! We'd been looking for a good dog breath solution for a while. Her breath is much fresher now which benefits us all, she's so happy everyone wants to cuddle with her again. Thanks so much.